Sunday, May 01, 2005

Christ Is Risen!

Christ is Risen! - Indeed He Is Risen!
Khristos Voskrese! - Voistinu Voskrese!
Christos Anesti! - Alithos Anesti!
Cristo Ha Resucitado! - En Verdad Ha Resucitado!


Anonymous said...

Indeed He is Risen!

Gregg and Kira let us ride in their Easter basket to church with them.... we sat with the food during the Liturgy, and afterward the priest sprinkled us with Holy Water when he was blessing the baskets. Now we're holy sheep!

By the way, we read this Ebonics Paschal greeting somewhere; hope no one is offended!

greeting: The C is up!
response: Word!

LousyCook said...

Don't forget about the Snoop Dogg Paschal Greeting:

Greeting: C-Dawg's in the hiz-ouse!
Response: Fo shizzle