Monday, April 11, 2005

A New Chef in Town

We've got trouble people! There's a new chef in town. His name is Patrick the Pup, and he's trying to steal my recipes and pass them off as his own! He's even assembled a team to help him out.

My hidden camera managed to catch some exclusive photos of Patrick and his team caught in the act of ripping off my Spicy Carrot Soup Recipe.

See for yourself if you don't believe me.

This is a photo of Master Chef Patrick stirring the soup. He has no idea that the cameria is on him (obviously).

And here is a picture of Sous Chef, One, chopping carrots for Master Chef Patrick. I'm very dissappointed in One -- switching careers just like that without telling me! He was my "go to guy" every time I had trouble sleeping. Now what am I going to do??

I think it's clear that I have a pretty grave situation on my hands. Not only are these thieves stealing my recipes, they're stealing my ingredients too! Things could get ugly people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. 8 and 13 saw that picture of 1. Now they have stolen G's camera and are, as we speak, banging around in the kitchen, creating all manner of chaos. I'm not sure what's going on down there, but if they destroy my kitchen, I may be holding you and your crew responsible.